“Rethinking our society and making it more respectful”

She was 20 when the movement of “yellow vests” began. At 24, Anna Agueb-Porterie has decided to run for the Popular Primary which will designate, among seven left-wing personalities, the one who will be supported for the presidential election. His slogan ? “We, presidentsComing from civil society, Anna carries a project of direct democracy, ecological and social justice.

Anna Agueb-Porterie embodies a youth, that which is indignant and which engages, that which votes blank or which does not vote. In her photos, she is often in protest, equipped with a megaphone. As far as she can remember, she has always been outraged.

I developed class consciousness at a very young age.

Anna Agueb-Porterie, 24 years old

Coming from a rather well-to-do business family on her mother’s side and a family of Algerian, Muslim and poor immigrants on her father’s side, Anna says that she “internalized” class consciousness from an early age. “I’ve always been outraged by injustices, from a very young age“.

Anna studied political science and has multiplied humanitarian experiences abroad, such as in the Philippines or in Colombia. “Someone asked me one day why I always go so far, when in France there are also a lot of people struggling.

Anna Agueb-porterie was abroad when the “yellow vests” movement began. “It was what I considered the history of my country. I was 20 and vsIt was then that I realized that we needed allies inside the government. This is where I understood that I wanted to enter the system to overthrow it“.

“I was very frustrated not to be able to participate in the ‘yellow vests’ movement.”

Anna Agueb-Porterie, 24 years old

at franceinfo

Today, the candidate of Béarn origin works in Seine-Saint-Denis for the association Alliance Citoyenne which helps the inhabitants to defend their rights, in particular in terms of housing.

“I want to raise the claims of those we hear little and those we do not see.”

Anna Agueb-Porterie, 24 years old

at franceinfo

AT through her candidacy for the People’s Primary, she wants to bring “a message of fed up, but also of hope” Anna Agueb-Porterie does not plan to replace Emmanuel Macron, but wants to invite “rethink our society and make it more respectful of people and life“.

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