National Education ensures that it has not sent outdated self-tests to teachers

According to the ministry, these self-tests were purchased and delivered to academies in the spring of 2021.

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National Education ensures, in a press release sent Wednesday, January 26, not to have sent outdated Covid-19 self-tests to teachers while many establishments “report in recent weeks on the receipt of self-tests arriving at the end of their validity period or expired”. The self-tests in question “have therefore very likely been delivered to the academies during the 2021 operations”, explains the Ministry of National Education.

“The self-tests were acquired, then distributed to establishments in April and May 2021. Supplies, in smaller volumes, continued after the start of the school year in September 2021. The expiry dates for these self-tests were between January 2022 and April 2023”, details the Ministry of National Education in its press release. Since the return from the Christmas holidays, there is no longer any delivery of self-tests to academies or establishments.

Free self-tests are available in pharmacies for staff working in contact with students in schools and educational establishments (staff under the National Education and local authorities). “Upon presentation of a professional certificate as well as an identity document, each beneficiary will be issued a batch of self-tests up to ten self-tests per months”, a measure that came into force on Tuesday, recalls the National Education. Since January 3, 2022, for students, families have also had access to free self-tests if their child has been identified as a contact case.

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