don’t search, Stade Rochelais is quite simply the best represented club in the fifteen acclaimed by rugby fans on MyRugby. A standard team elected mid-season from the Top 14. Pierre Bourgarit was voted best hooker of this first part of the season. A small consolation after having been forced to give up due to Covid the summons of Fabien Galthié in the group of 42 players participating in the preparation of the Six Nations Tournament.
Six Maritimes are currently in Aubagne (Bouches-du-Rhône) for a commando course with the Foreign Legion. Among them, Brice Dulin designated as the best back of the standard team, but also the captain of La Rochelle Gregory Aldritt. Rounding out the fan-favorite third line: Bordelais Cameron Woki… And a certain Kevin Gourdon, acclaimed as guest of honor ! The former international third line forced to stop his career at 32 due to a heart problem.
Three Toulouse residents, three Bordeaux residents
Besides the four musketeers from La Rochelle, the Toulouse Dupont-Ntamack hinge was unsurprisingly designated in the XV type. The pillar Cyril Baille completes the honor roll of the champions of France and Europe in title.
Also note the presence of three Bordelais, Woki therefore, but also Kane Douglas and Ulupano Seuteni, a Lyonnais (Demba Bamba), a Castrais (Tom Staniforth), a Clermontois (Damian Penaud), a Racingman (Gaël Fickou) and a Toulonnais ( Gabin Villiere).