Kiev claims to have dismantled a group preparing armed actions on behalf of Russia

What there is to know

While the world is on the lookout for a potential Russian offensive in Ukraine, Kiev said on Tuesday January 25 that it had dismantled a group preparing actions on its territory on behalf of Moscow. “The organizers of the gang were preparing a series of armed attacks against infrastructure” in coordination with the “Russian special services”, details the Ukrainian security service. They were operating from Kharkiv, a large city near the Russian border, and Zhytomir, which is less than 150 km from Kiev. Russia has not yet reacted to this accusation. Follow the situation live.

New Russian military maneuvers. Russian forces have launched a series of maneuvers in southern Russia and in Crimea, the peninsula annexed by Russia from Ukraine in 2014. They involve 6,000 troops, ships, air fighters and bombers, explains the Russian army.

US soldiers ready for deployment. The Pentagon announced Monday evening that it had placed up to 8,500 soldiers on alert, without having decided on their deployment for the moment. They could join NATO’s rapid reaction force in five days. Russia denounced a new “escalation of tensions”.

Washington and the Europeans display their cohesion. A videoconference meeting brought together American President Joe Biden, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and several European leaders on Monday evening, including Emmanuel Macron. According to the White House, the leaders have “underscored their common desire for a diplomatic resolution”. The participants “were all of the view that it is up to Russia to undertake visible de-escalation initiatives”, commented German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

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