Valérie Pécresse proposes tax exemption for inheritances up to 200,000 euros

The Republican candidate wants to abolish inheritance tax “for 95% of French people”.

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A boost for the heirs. Valérie Pécresse, the Republican presidential candidate, proposes if she is elected to exempt inheritance taxes up to 200,000 euros per child, she explains in an interview with Figaro published Sunday, January 23. “I remove inheritance tax for 95% of French people”, ensures Valerie Pécresse.

The candidate’s program provides that each child can inherit 200,000 euros tax-free, compared to 100,000 euros today. The allowance would also be increased to 100,000 euros for an indirect transmission, for example in the case where “a person would inherit from his uncle or sister”.

Valérie Pécresse also wants to increase the ceiling for tax-exempt donations when the donor is still alive. Each parent could thus give 100,000 euros every six years and no longer every fifteen years. The measure would also concern “each of the grandchildren to allow the generational leap” and would still be 50,000 euros for nephews and siblings.

The candidate on the right proposes in the same interview, in order to facilitate access to property, to “generalize zero-rate loans for first-time buyers throughout France and not just in tight areas”. The current president of the Ile-de-France region finally details the measures of her program aimed at increasing the amount of family allowances.

To finance these measures, Valérie Pécresse promises “a whole series of cost-saving measures”, citing the postponement of retirement to 65, unemployment insurance or a reform of the RSA “to get out of the welfare policy”. It also evokes the reform of the State, “with a decentralization of powers to avoid numerous administrative duplications and a radical simplification of standards”.

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