Alizée (Pékin Express) operated for severe pain: photo and news after the intervention

This first month of the year is proving to be rich in twists and turns for Alizée and Maxime, the emblematic duo of Beijing Express. The couple had to face a new unexpected and a new visit to the hospital which ended in an operation.

A few days ago, Maxime let it be known on Instagram that his lover had suffered severe stomach pains and the diagnosis had quickly fallen: appendicitis and the obligation to operate. “I’m not well at all because I myself had an attack of appendicitis and at the time, there weren’t enough anesthesiologists, which meant that it lasted and I did peritonitis. We’ll make sure everything goes well. We will think of doe“, confided Maxime.

Heartbroken at having to separate from her two daughters, the youngest of whom was born just a month ago, Alizée had confided her dismay on Instagram. The mother of Thi-Waï (born October 15, 2020) and Soa-Li (born December 6, 2021) has since found her two princesses. She’s gone back home.

During the day of Saturday January 22, 2022, the pretty brunette also seen in the show Moms & Famous gave its news to its subscribers. The convalescent shared a photo of her belly in her story covered with three bandages, stigmata of her operation. They will disappear shortly and Alizée will be able to return to a normal life. The young mother also reposted a video of Maxime who filmed his return home and his reunion with Thi-Waï, happy to see his mother again.

The visits to the hospital are linked unfortunately for Alizée and Maxime lately. They had been forced to rush their daughter Soa-Li there after she had difficulty breathing. It was birth mucus and everything was quickly back to normal for the tribe, victim of a fire in their house last December.

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