Nabilla surprised by her favorite group at the Eiffel Tower, her son Milann to eat

Invited on January 22, 2022 in The Secret Song, Nabilla was treated to a wonderful surprise from her loved ones and her family. For the first time in the show, it is no longer on the musical Seine (where the show is traditionally recorded) that the star was invited to sit in the chair but on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower. An incredible gift for the businesswoman who was able to watch a live performance by one of her favorite bands when she was younger: the L5s.

Sitting in the chair, the former candidate of reality tv angels didn’t know at all what to expect when she suddenly saw the members of L5 arriving one by one to perform their flagship title: All the women in your life. Joined by Nabilla’s friends but also by her mother Marie-Luce Grange, the L5s were then accompanied by Thomas Vergara, Nabilla’s husband, but also by their cute son Milann. A moment of intense emotion for the young mother who married a few months ago with Thomas at the Château de Chantilly.

I love them too much!

It’s all my childhood, all my youth, that’s what gave me the rage, that’s what I was doing my choreographies on, that’s it it’s actually girl power“Nabilla told Nikos Aliagas once her surprise was over.”Did they make you want to be on stage?“, then asked him the emblematic host of TF1. “Yeah ! I love them too much! When I was at school I made a group with my girlfriends, I don’t know how old I was…“, “10 and a half years“, then his mother whispered to him. “Here and I had made a band in my backyard and I was singing All the women in your life”, Nabilla added.

Admiring Thomas’s ability to keep the secret until the show was filmed, Nikos Aliagas said: “I still wanted to say thank you Thomas because I imagine it’s very hard to hide something from Nabilla“.”It’s impossible ! he replied humorously. Bah I must have lied, I must have said that we had plenty of things to do in Paris etc. And then it was very complicated, she asked a lot of questions. And when I received texts she asked me who it was. This story almost caused me some problems!

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