Philippe Le Hardi, son of a king who became a duke

Chance, marriage and big plans

Philippe of France was given the nickname Hardi at the age of 14 when, during the Battle of Poitiers in 1356, he ran to join his father in the midst of the fighting and shouted “father, keep yourselves on the left! Father, keep yourselves to the right”. So too young to be a knight, he marked the chroniclers of the time and became a young hero.

1694 – Portrait of Philipe Le Hardi © Radio France

It is by an unfortunate coincidence that he is placed at the head of the Duchy of Burgundy. Until 1363, the line of Capétiens then to the throne of Burgundy, disappears after multiple deaths of the young heirs.

Tomb of Philippe Le Hardi now exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts in Dijon
Tomb of Philippe Le Hardi now exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts in Dijon © Radio France

Philippe le Hardi and his wife Marguerite de Flandre then take the head of one of the duchies of France. The mythical couple will work to make their territory and its riches shine, like wine. They are the ones who had the idea of ​​building the Chartreuse de Champmol still standing today in Dijon. The famous tomb of the Dukes of Burgundy is the great life project of Philippe le Hardi. The 41 mourners still sculpted around the time represent the funeral procession which accompanied the Duke to Dijon after his tragic death.

A History of the Côte-d’Or, told by Guillaume Grillon, Doctor of History at the University of Burgundy

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