Put your body to digestive rest

Let’s talk detox at the start of the year. Until the end of January, you can put your body to rest, after rich meals during the holidays, to start 2022 well. A cocktail can help, which Thierry Marx appreciates: lemon juice, lime juice, ginger and star anise crushed in sparkling water.

Another option for a good start to a new year of work, a fast that can be done once a week, for at least 14 hours, so between dinner and lunch the next day. This requires consulting your doctor, and hydrating yourself well during these few hours without swallowing any food.

Cardiologist and nutritionist Frédéric Saldmann, whose new book Health ahead just released by Robert Laffont, advocates this type of sequential fasting as often as possible, because it allows the body to devote this period of non-digestion to reboosting the body.

“Digesting is putting a dozen organs to work, it’s setting a factory in motion.”

Frédéric Saldmann, cardiologist and nutritionist

at franceinfo

Every second, the body produces 20 million cells to replace those that have died, and the risk with age is to multiply copy errors; it is then that many diseases occur, including cancers, and immune weaknesses.

Giving the body time to regenerate in peace and to fight against its planned obsolescence also limits the risk of inflammation.

To illustrate this sequence on detoxification, Thierry Marx offers a vinegar infusion recipe.

Ingredients for two :

1/2 l of mineral water, 2 tablespoons of organic cider vinegar.

Preperation :

Heat the water in the saucepan to 45° C. Add the vinegar. Let steep for a minute or two.

Drink hot before going to bed.

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