Luna Skye (Les Marseillais) back in hospital urgently: “the infection has spread in her body …”

While we thought she was out of the woods, it is not. The state of Luna skye even seems to have worsened significantly. Getting back on his feet after contracting staphylococcus, the one that was seen in The Princes and Princesses of Love then in The Marseillais in Dubai and The Marseillais VS The Rest of the World has been back in hospital since Thursday, October 28, 2021.

It was her best friend, a certain Marion Rose, who spoke in story Instagram to explain: “She was taking her antibiotics but right after, the infection came back even stronger. This is the third time it’s done this: every time she finishes her treatment, it comes back. So she went to the hospital urgently. “

According to the young woman, Luna Skye was admitted to one of the “best hospitals in Los Angeles “, city where the two girlfriends are installed.”She is really in a very good department where we take good care of her, it is really a reputable hospital so it should do it“, Marion hopes. A few hours later, it was possible to put a word on the ailment from which Luna is suffering.”That’s it I have news, she has sepsis, the infection has spread through her body… They took a sample, they took some liquid to be able to analyze her, so that we will also know if she needs an operation. His blood pressure is not good so she is very tired“, she regretted.

As a reminder, the health concerns of the pretty blonde arose after his last cosmetic surgery which consisted of increasing the volume of his posterior. After her breakup with Paga Neuron, Luna said she had lost 10 kilos and then felt he had “drooping buttocks“. She therefore had to resort to injections but a bacterium eventually developed at that level …

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