Students in isolation in case of cough or sore throat

Quebec is again modifying the instructions in the event of isolation: in addition to a fever, a sore throat or a cough is now enough to keep a child at home. Clearer guidelines are also now available for parents.

• Read also – What to do if your child has symptoms of COVID-19?

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The information concerning the symptoms justifying the isolation of a child was recently updated on the website.

A student can go to school if they only have a runny nose, but they must stay home if they have two of the following symptoms: runny or stuffy nose, stomach aches, severe fatigue, generalized muscle pain, significant loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhoea.

In case of fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or sudden loss of smell (without nasal congestion), just one of these symptoms is enough to isolate him at home until he has received two negative rapid test results, 24 hours apart.

Earlier this week, The newspaper published a simplified guide for parents, in order to see more clearly the instructions for isolation in the event of symptoms in an elementary or secondary student.

Several parents and school principals had denounced the confusion that reigned in this area, after in particular that a “management algorithm” in the event of positive symptoms or results was sent to Montreal parents.

Friday, in an interview with LCN, the Minister of Education, Jean-François Roberge acknowledged that the isolation directives have caused “headaches” for many parents.

Mr. Roberge personally asked public health to provide new, clearer instructions to the network, which has been done in the last few hours.

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