what to expect from the Health Defense Council?


France 2

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A Health Defense Council is scheduled for Thursday January 20 to “give visibility” as to the health restrictions put in place several weeks ago.

The health measures put in place three weeks ago, such as compulsory teleworking three days a week and the closing of nightclubs, could soon be lightened. This is the whole purpose of the Health Defense Council which is being held on Thursday 20 January. “Giving visibility is the objective of this Defense Council which is meeting this morning at the Élysée.“, Explain journalist Rémi Moquillon, live in front of the Élysée for the 8 Hours of France 2, Thursday.

Among the main points, it should be announced a timetable for exiting the epidemic. Two additional weeks of effort should be requested from the French“, continues the journalist. He recalls that the day before, the Minister of Labor, Élisabeth Borne, met with the social partners to announce to them that the government planned to continue the policy of a minimum of three days of telework per week for another 15 days.

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