VIDEO. Did you know that plants can sing?



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Plants can sing too. With his invention, Joe learned to listen to them.

Plants that make music. Yes it’s possible. The proof with Joe. “I love listening to philodendrons, mother-in-law’s tongues and all the plants that inspire me during a beautiful walk“He says. If he can listen to these songs, it’s thanks to a device called the PlantWave. It converts the biorhythms of the plant into music.”Just attach two sensors to the leaves of the plant and PlantWave detects the slight variations it undergoes according to the movements of the water around it.“, explains Joe.

Factors like sunlight or water influence the music. “If a plant is low on water, it may only produce a few notes. Conversely, a plant in full health will be able to play the whole range.Joe expands. Joe Patitucci has been working for ten years on products that help people reconnect with nature. He presented his invention at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. He hopes PlantWave will give people a taste for nature again and change our relationship to plants.


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