Reduced quality of care: “That’s scary!”

The situation is so critical in hospitals that Quebec will intentionally reduce the quality of care offered to patients. A “scary” situation, says Thomas Mulcair.

• Read also: COVID-19: 89 new deaths and 3,417 hospitalized patients in Quebec

• Read also: Fifth wave in hospitals: the portrait of patients is no longer the same

“We will have to realize that there is no miracle solution. We are in a situation where we have been saying for two that this is unheard of. There, what we heard today is unheard of. To have the highest official in government say, “We are going to intentionally reduce the quality of care because we are not able to do anything else, that is scary!” throw the jouster.

The political analyst thinks that the situation could however convince once and for all some recalcitrant to vaccination.

“If all the other arguments weren’t enough to convince adults to say to themselves ‘I’m going to do my social duty, I’m going to get vaccinated’, maybe knowing a relative, a neighbour, a colleague who going to have to deal with that system, they’re going to be like ‘maybe I should do the right thing for society,” he said.

Despite everything, there were many weaknesses in the Quebec health system before the pandemic. One of them is the fact that it is too centered on hospitals, according to Antonine Yaccarini, who pleads to improve the supply of home care, among other things.

“We’ve been talking about this for years. […] In Quebec, we don’t have this system where there are doctors who travel. We still don’t all have access to a family doctor. And also, why is it always the doctor who must be at the center of all the care that is given? We will have to start giving more responsibilities to other health professionals, ”thinks the jouster.


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