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Some scientists say that depending on the variant of Covid-19, the saliva test may prove more effective than the nasal test. On the set of the 20 Hours of France 2 Monday, January 17, the journalist and doctor Damien Mascret deciphers these studies.
American scientists believe that a saliva sample would be more effective than a nasal swab in detecting Covid-19. Sometimes there would have beenfalse negatives“with the nasal test, explains journalist and doctor Damien Mascret on the set of the 20 Hours of France 2, Monday January 17. “It was true with Delta and it seems to be even more true with Omicron because Omicron multiplies first in the throat before going in the nose“, he specifies.
South African researchers compared nasal tests and saliva tests with Delta and Omicron. “With Delta, there is no doubt: it is the most efficient nasal test. Where it detects 100 patients, the saliva test will find only 71. On the other hand, with Omicron, that has changed: this time, it is the saliva test which will detect 100 patients and the nasal test which will only detect 86 patients. We may need to change the protocol soon“, says Damien Mascret.
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