what young people propose in our citizen consultation “Ma France 2022”

Gender equality, fight against domestic violence, environment, employment, education, commitment, but also demand for a more representative democracy… What are the priorities of young people for the France of tomorrow? On the occasion of the special day “Being 20 in 2022” proposed by France Bleu this Tuesday, we reveal the ideas expressed by young people in our large citizen consultation, “Ma France 2022”, piloted with the Make.org platform. .

Similar concerns to other generations, other themes very present among young people

On a certain number of themes, the concerns of young people under 30 are similar to those expressed by the participants in the citizen consultation, all ages combined. This is particularly the case on “Produce in France”, the rrelocation, the fight against medical deserts, the demand for transport and services in rural areas, the probity in politics, or even the purchasing power.

Corn certain priorities are more present among those under 30: this is particularly the case of the fight against domestic violence and gender equality, of the environment, or education.

Fight against violence against women

Young people are particularly susceptible to the fight against sexual violence and violence against women. It should be noted that this question is, for this generation, as well worn by women than by men. Here are some of their proposals:

  • Officers must be trained to listen to victims of sexual and domestic violence and plan effective immediate measures (Anthony, 26)
  • We must protect women victims of domestic violence (electronic bracelet for the accused, real convictions, train the police) (Juliette, 24 years old, 34130)
  • We need to create a kind of unit specialized in all things rape, sexual assault and sexual/street harassment (Johanna, 22 years old)

Gender equality

Young people are therefore logically very concerned about equality between men and women, and do not understand why women are victims of inequalities. Here are some of their proposals:

  • We must impose equal pay for men and women without further delay. Companies have largely benefited from the extended deadlines (Sam, 25 years old)
  • Gender equality must be more important in our society, for example to review the salary. (Leonie, 17, 50750)
  • We must value fatherhood in the company so that men can take their share of parental leave (Titouan, 19 years old 85000)

The fight for the environment

Young people are very committed, more so than their elders, for the environment, and this is felt in the consultation, where their proposals on the themes of ecology are very numerous. Here are a few.

  • We must stop dumping our waste in poor countries and create industries capable of recycling everything on our territory (Sarah, 25, Lyon)
  • We must ban over-packaging, strongly limit the production of plastic in the food industry, create plastic taxes (Corentin, 24 years old, 44100)
  • We must impose a recyclability obligation on all new products (Noé, 18 years old)
  • You have to put a tax from a certain level of liters of water and electricity consumed in each household, depending on the household (Axel, 23 years old)
  • We must stop supporting industrial fishing, which is destroying our seabed and biodiversity: we must effectively control fishing.

Greener transport, especially in rural areas

The young people participating in the consultation also ask greener transport:

  • We must promote the development of rail freight to reduce pollution caused by the transport of goods by road (Jules, 20 years old)
  • We must develop public transport in rural areas to no longer be dependent on the car. (Pierre, 27, 42,000)
  • Regular minibus and TER lines must be set up for home-work journeys in the city and in the countryside (Clémentine, 28 years old)

A more professional education

Young people, often students or recent graduates, also have a lot to say on teaching.

  • We must upgrade vocational high schools and stop “all-university” (Adrien, 21, Lyon)
  • We must value vocational education which is not for bad students, and can even be an education of excellence (Charlotte, 20 years old)

A world of work that must evolve

Many young people are looking for their place in the world of work, or want to change it, sometimes radically.

  • Companies must be encouraged to trust young people without experience and agree to train them (Loïc, 25 years old)
  • We must increase the minimum wage for trainees, and impose remuneration from the 1st month, rather than more than 2 months currently (Nicolas, 24 years old)
  • Employees must be given a priority right to take over their business when the owners want to close it (Cyril, 27, 59500)
  • We must reduce working time to 4 days a week for 25 hours, for the same salary (Ronan, 25 years old, 02870)

Compulsory civic service?

Many young people would also like universal national service, which lasts a few weeks, becomes mandatory, and many are in favor of a real compulsory civic service of one year.

  • We must introduce compulsory civic service to build the France of tomorrow (Thomas, 26)
  • You need compulsory military or civic service at 18, lasting several months, to have the basics on the environment and good citizenship (Julien, 27, Paris)
  • It is necessary to systematize a year of “civic break” in civic service so that young people are mobilized on solidarity projects (Chloé, 28 years old)

Democracy: the blank vote better taken into account

Many young people are also demanding better consideration of the blank vote. They believe that the results of the elections would thus be more in line with the expression of the citizens.

  • We must authorize the counting of blank votes during elections to better understand the disagreement of the people for the candidates (Stéphanie, 26 years old)
  • The white votes must be counted and there must be a new election in the event of a majority of white votes (Maela, 25 years old)

More referendums

Many participants would also like to be consulted more often through the referendum.

  • French people must be consulted on a certain number of subjects (insecurity, economy, wages, health) through the referendum (Samuel, 16 years old)
  • We must give more power to the people: we must be consulted on bills (Elodie, 25, 97441)

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