The Messin doctor François Braun health referent of the future candidate Macron

Emergency doctor, president of Samu-Urgences de France and head of center at the CHR of Metz-Thionville, Francois Braun is one of those doctors the epidemic of Covid-19 and the health crisis has regularly put forward: on the front line to alert on the danger of the disease, the situation of the hospital, the evacuation of the sick during the first wave and for its expertise throughout this crisis. An experience that is probably no stranger to the new role he has accepted to assume: health referent of Emmanuel Macron’s program. A function he shares with Dr Sébastien Mirek, anesthetist-resuscitator at the Dijon University Hospital, and Pascale Mathieu, president of the National Council of the Order of Masseur-Physiotherapists.


“The health crisis has revealed a lot of things in our health system”, says François Braun on France Bleu Lorraine. “It revealed strengths, but it also revealed weaknesses which are old, and which have accelerated in recent months. We hope to get out of the crisis. We see the end of the tunnel. It’s time to reform our health organization in France a little.” The Messin doctor explains that he has not been approached by any other political formation, and he sees consistency in this commitment with the majority teams : “I found the project interesting. There are already things that have been done, so it’s a bit of a continuation. Even if I don’t necessarily agree with everything that has been done.” Despite everything, he intends to keep his freedom. : “My commitment is not a validation of what happened. If it doesn’t go the right way, I will leave.”

System crisis

If the responses provided by Emmanuel Macron with the crisis are a “emergency and symptomatic treatment”, the emergency physician made the shared observation ofa deteriorating hospital, which has lost its excellence and caregivers “who have lost the desire to work.”

The hospital must be there to meet the health needs of our fellow citizens and not to run a business

The work to reform the health system is vast: from the operation of services to hospital governance, the care pathway, medical deserts…”I think we have to build for the long term.”

source site-38
