live on TF1, he makes astonishing revelations

Only assholes don’t change their minds. A saying that has existed since the dawn of time but which takes on its full meaning when Marc Lavoine speaks. Not that the coach of The Voice belong to this category of persons, however, the artist acknowledged that he had “was wrong” on certain points, and on the prejudices he had on the tele-hook of TF1. A program in which he officiates for many years now. However, the fans would have almost never seen him if he had not made himself strong and if he had remained camped on his positions.

Indeed, the one who has just released his new album Adult Never, and who was also entitled to a wave of criticism by performing one of his singles, The train, on the Quotidien set on January 14, gave an interview to Nikos Aliagas for his show 50’Inside. The opportunity for those who will soon face Florent Pagny, Nolwenn Leroy, Amel Bent, or even Vianney to find the most beautiful voice in France, to talk about their experience in The Voice. “The other day I was asked, ‘What difference has it made for you?'”, he recalled, assuring that since he became a coach, his vision of things had changed because it allowed him to be “less stupid than before”. Before going back to the famous prejudices he had before sitting down on one of the famous red armchairs:“I refused for a long time to do ‘The Voice’ for the idea I had of it. Of me, my image, bullshit…”

“There, I said to myself: “I feel, all the same, a little closer, in the hearts of people, I listen to them”…” he added, acknowledging that he felt slightly ashamed for not having accepted the proposal long before: “I realized that I was wrong not to have accepted earlier”. Marc Lavoine who, in his defence, indicated that it was not a question, “maybe not a good time”, when the offer came his way. Today, he says he is happy and fulfilled to be part of such an adventure. And there is no doubt that he should stay there for a long time.

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