Yannick Jadot wants to show the devastating effects of climate change


France 3

Article written by

H.Hugo, JM. Lequertier, D. Fuet, A. D’Abrigeon – France 3

France Televisions

The France Télévisions teams followed Yannick Jadot, the environmental candidate for the next presidential election, during a trip to the Alps.

The Chartreuse massif is one of Grenoble’s favorite weekend destinations. At 1,000 meters they come to ski and toboggan, but this is no longer always the case due to global warming. Weather variations that are not just impressions. At the Col de Porte, scientists are closely studying the evolution of snow cover and temperatures. Thanks to very precise measuring instruments, researchers are able to confirm that the level of snow cover has been falling for 60 years due to global warming.

“Between these two times thirty years, we lost 40 centimeters of thickness on our average seasonal snowpack”, explains Yves Lejeune, researcher at the center for snow studies at Météo France. “Climate change is the main campaign theme of the environmental candidate in the next presidential election. Yannick Jadot traveled to Chartreuse to show the devastating effects”, reports a journalist from France Télévisions, in duplex from the Chartreuse massif. “We know that to have a lot of snow at the beginning of December, to have after a thaw then rain, it is not the normal functioning. And when it multiplies and that year after year we have the same phenomena, we know that it is global warming”, explains Yannick Jadot, candidate for the next presidential election.

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