Majority of Professional WoW Players Rely on the Same Tank Class, Highlighting a Significant Issue

Protection Paladins dominate Mythic 15+ dungeons, comprising 88% of tank players, according to Raider.IO data. This overwhelming preference leaves other tank classes like Protection Warriors and Vengeance Demon Hunters struggling for recognition. The heightened difficulty of recent dungeons has further narrowed class diversity, leading to a toxic atmosphere where players feel pressured to conform. This situation contributes to a persistent tank shortage, highlighting the need for a more inclusive environment for all tank classes in World of Warcraft.

The Dominance of Protection Paladins in Mythic 15+ Dungeons

For those who are exploring different classes in World of Warcraft, particularly if you’re not playing a Protection Paladin, give yourself a pat on the back! You are defying the overwhelming metagame that has taken hold in competitive PVE. According to recent data from Raider.IO, a staggering 88% of tanks participating in Mythic 15+ dungeons are Protection Paladins. This statistic is striking when you consider the diverse range of classes and specializations available that can effectively fulfill the tank role in Blizzard’s iconic MMO. We haven’t seen such a stark meta division in the game for quite some time, indicating that other tank classes are facing significant challenges at high-level play.

Tank Class Popularity Breakdown

The data clearly illustrates the disparity in class popularity among tanks in Mythic 15+ dungeons:

  • Protection Paladins: 88%
  • Protection Warriors: 4.3%
  • Vengeance Demon Hunters: 2.6%
  • Blood Death Knights: 2%
  • Brewmaster Monks: 1.8%
  • Guardian Druids: 1.4%

As you can see, it’s clear that classes other than Protection Paladins are barely making a dent in terms of popularity. This overwhelming preference for one specialization creates a ripple effect, leading many players to believe that only Protection Paladins are viable choices for dungeons. Consequently, this has resulted in some players outright rejecting tanks from other classes when forming dungeon groups.

As a result, these alternative classes face stigmatization, which is particularly frustrating considering the varying levels of difficulty encountered by the average player.

The Impact of Dungeon Difficulty on Class Diversity

The launch of The War Within has introduced an intense difficulty level in Mythic+ dungeons, further restricting class diversity. Many tanks feel pressured to select a specific specialization to remain competitive within this demanding environment. Adding to this pressure, there’s a growing toxic atmosphere surrounding tank roles in dungeons. Numerous players have reported feelings of discomfort and stress due to the high stakes and accountability associated with their role.

At elite levels of play, this pressure may be less pronounced, as teammates are often familiar with each other and thrive in high-pressure situations. However, for the vast majority of World of Warcraft players, this dungeon-related stress can be quite overwhelming. The metagame should not dictate which class casual players feel they should engage with.

These challenges contribute to the ongoing tank shortage in both dungeons and raids that has persisted over several expansions. If we want to encourage more players to embrace the tank role, it is crucial that they do not feel overly burdened by their class choice!

On another note, it’s hard to overlook the highly publicized Mount that emerged during the 20th anniversary celebrations of WoW. Despite its hefty price tag, the golden Brutosaurs of trade has delighted its owners with remarkable features, exposing what seems like a well-kept secret…
