Did your MP vote for or against the bill? Find out in our search engine

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The Assembly adopted the controversial text after a turbulent legislative marathon. Before its passage in the Senate, Saturday, and the final vote of the deputies, Sunday, franceinfo offers you to find the result of the ballot by deputy, by parliamentary group or by vote.

After two weeks of heated debate, the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass was adopted by parliamentarians overnight from Friday to Saturday, during a second reading vote in the National Assembly. This new health emergency legislative package, the twelfth of its kind since the start of the Covid-19 crisis in March 2020, was voted with 185 votes in favor, 69 against and 8 abstentions. After a re-examination in the Senate on Saturday, the bill must be the subject of a final vote in the National Assembly on Sunday January 16.

Acclaimed by La République en Marche, the majority in the Assembly, this text also found support within the MoDem or among Les Républicains, who nevertheless remain divided on the subject. In the rest of the groups, the balance of votes leans very clearly against the vaccine pass, with rare exceptions. This controversial bill was adopted in an unprecedented context of intimidation and violence against elected officials in favor of the text, including numerous death threats – an offense punishable by three years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros.

>> How threats and violence against elected officials have worsened since the introduction of the health pass

Franceinfo offers you to find the vote of the MP for your constituency using our search engine below. It is also possible to consult the votes of a parliamentary group, or to view all the votes for, against, as well as the abstentions.

As a reminder, only 262 deputies, out of the 577 elected members of the Assembly, were present during the vote on this bill. This search engine will be updated on Sunday January 16, after the final vote. If your deputy does not appear, it means that he was not present during the vote.

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