Title: Predator Used Video Games to Entice and Assault Young Boys

A 34-year-old man, Samuel Lacasse-Couture, received a 42-month prison sentence for luring and sexually assaulting two young boys, aged seven and eight, under the guise of playing video games. The assaults occurred in his apartment in 2021, where he developed a rapport with the victims. Following a guilty plea, he was sentenced without the need for the boys to testify. Upon release, he will face probation, be listed on the sex offender registry for 20 years, and have restrictions on entering areas frequented by children.

Man Sentenced for Luring and Assaulting Young Boys

A 34-year-old man has been sentenced to 42 months in prison for luring young boys to his home under the pretense of playing video games, only to sexually assault them. This disturbing case involved Samuel Lacasse-Couture, who preyed on two victims aged seven and eight in the towns of Val-Alain and Val-des-Sources.

Details of the Assaults and Sentencing

In a recent court appearance, Lacasse-Couture took responsibility for his actions in two separate cases of sexual contact, albeit claiming a lack of memory regarding the incidents due to intoxication. The assaults took place in 2021 within his apartment, which was conveniently located in the same building as the parents of one victim.

As outlined in a joint summary of facts, Lacasse-Couture often left his apartment door open, allowing the young boy to visit and interact with his pets. Over time, he developed a rapport with the child by discussing video games and even inviting him to play at his residence. However, during the boy’s last visit, his father discovered him shirtless in the living room, to which Lacasse-Couture falsely claimed the child was simply feeling warm. The boy then stated that he had been offered a massage.

In early 2023, the young victim disclosed the events to his mother, including instances where Lacasse-Couture had made inappropriate requests while they played video games together. The situation was similar for the second victim, a son of a long-time friend, who was also invited to join Lacasse-Couture for gaming. The child’s father caught them in a compromising situation, leading to further investigations.

The sentence of three and a half years was reached through a joint agreement between the involved parties, taking into account Lacasse-Couture’s guilty plea, which ultimately spared the young victims from having to testify in court. The long-lasting impact on the children was highlighted by the public prosecutor, who noted behavioral issues and premature sexual comments from the affected boys.

After accounting for pre-trial detention, Lacasse-Couture will have 22 months remaining in his sentence. Following his release, he will face a three-year probation period and remain on the sex offender registry for 20 years. Additionally, he will be barred from entering parks, schoolyards, or any public areas frequented by children for a duration of 12 years.
