Major fire in Montreal | The Press

A fire caused significant damage Friday evening to a residential building located in the Saint-Henri district of Montreal. About eight families had to be evacuated, but no one was injured.

Posted at 9:11 a.m.

Coralie Laplante

Coralie Laplante
The Press

Emergency services received a call around 10:35 p.m. about a fire that had started in a building on Palm Street.

Nearly 105 firefighters and 31 emergency vehicles rushed to the scene to bring the flames under control, said William Murray, prevention section chief at the Montreal Fire Department.

“It is an occupied residential building with three floors. The fire would have started on the third floor, behind, and spread to the roof, ”continues Mr. Murray. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

The families inside the building were taken care of by the Red Cross.

According to William Murray, “a lot of damage” was inflicted on the building.

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