On December 2, 2024, authorities provided an update on the disappearance of 13-year-old Morgane Rivoal, missing since November 25. Despite extensive search efforts involving 800 volunteers, no leads have emerged. A note in her trash suggests she contemplated leaving home after a dispute with her parents. Additionally, Morgane had previously confided to her tennis teacher about being bullied, which a friend confirmed, noting her struggles with self-harm and social isolation.
Update on the Disappearance of 13-Year-Old Morgane
After over a week of uncertainty surrounding the case of 13-year-old Morgane Rivoal, the public prosecutor of Saint-Brieuc held a press conference on December 2, 2024, revealing alarming new details about her disappearance. Morgane was last seen on November 25, 2024, when she left her home around 7:15 AM to head to school. By 9:15 AM, her parents learned that she had never made it onto the school bus.
Search Efforts and Ongoing Investigation
The investigation into Morgane’s troubling disappearance has mobilized substantial resources, yet searches have thus far yielded no results. A large-scale community search on November 29, 2024, involving approximately 800 volunteers, scoured the surrounding area, but unfortunately, no significant leads were found. The public prosecutor stated, “At this stage, all avenues are being considered, none are favored,” leaving the community and investigators grappling with uncertainty about what may have occurred—whether it be a runaway situation, an accident, or something more sinister.
Adding to the complexity of the case, a note discovered in Morgane’s trash seemed to indicate her contemplation of leaving home, likely written after a dispute with her parents about her phone and social media use. A classmate mentioned that this sentiment was also shared in a social media story.
In a chilling development, prosecutor Nicolas Heitz disclosed that Morgane had confided in her tennis teacher about being a victim of bullying last year. A friend corroborated this, stating, “I knew her since middle school. She was being bullied in school.” The friend further shared that Morgane had been subjected to derogatory names and that the bullying had persisted into the current school year.
According to this same friend, Morgane had been enduring a distressing experience at school, often isolating herself. “Sometimes, she would stay in her corner all day,” she lamented. Morgane also spoke openly about her struggles with self-harm, revealing, “She was cutting herself. In the yard, sometimes, in the summer, I saw her. Sometimes, it was all over her arm.” These troubling insights may provide crucial leads for investigators as they continue to search for the missing teenager.