The Wolf of Wall Street, directed by Martin Scorsese, premiered on December 25, 2013, and became a box office hit, grossing over $400 million worldwide. The film, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort, delves into themes of excess and ambition. Margot Robbie, portraying Naomi, delivered a standout performance, famously choosing to film a daring scene nude. Her bold audition decision, where she slapped DiCaprio instead of kissing him, ultimately propelled her to stardom, leading to multiple Oscar nominations and future successes.
The Wolf of Wall Street: A Cinematic Triumph
Debuting in theaters on December 25, 2013, The Wolf of Wall Street made a significant impact with its explosive energy and captivating storyline. At 70 years old, director Martin Scorsese proved he still had the creative spark, delivering one of the most compelling films of the year. The audience’s enthusiasm was evident, as the film amassed over $400 million globally, marking it as one of Scorsese’s most successful projects.
In France, the film also found great success, drawing in more than 3 million moviegoers. This impressive figure stands as Scorsese’s second-best box office performance, trailing only behind Shutter Island. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, The Wolf of Wall Street chronicles the tumultuous life of trader Jordan Belfort, exploring themes of excess, ambition, and the darker side of wealth.
Margot Robbie’s Unforgettable Performance
While DiCaprio and Jonah Hill shine in their roles, it was a young Margot Robbie, then just 23, who captivated audiences as the fiery Naomi, Belfort’s wife. In an interview on the podcast Talking Pictures, Robbie shared an intriguing behind-the-scenes moment from filming.
In one scene where she seduces DiCaprio’s character, she is depicted completely naked between two doors. Scorsese offered her the option to film this scene however she preferred, including wearing a robe. Fully committed to her role, Robbie chose to embrace the moment in her natural state, asserting, “Naomi wouldn’t hide behind a robe in that scenario. Her intention is to arrive utterly exposed; that’s the choice she makes.”
Robbie also recounted a humorous audition story where she was supposed to kiss DiCaprio but instead, she opted to slap him. “I thought it would be amazing to kiss Leonardo DiCaprio, but then I second-guessed myself and slapped him instead,” she recalled with a laugh.
“There was a brief silence that felt eternal. Then Leo and Marty burst into laughter, saying it was fantastic. I was worried I’d get arrested for assault,” she joked, reflecting on the incident.
Initially, Robbie feared her bold move might hinder her Hollywood career. “I thought, not only will you never work again, but you’ll end up in jail for this. Why did you slap him so hard? You should have gone easy,” she worried at the time. Ironically, that risk-taking attitude helped her secure the role and brought her into the spotlight.
The Wolf of Wall Street was a springboard for Robbie’s illustrious career, leading to two Oscar nominations for her roles in I, Tonya and Bombshell. In 2023, she achieved further success with the blockbuster Barbie, which grossed an astounding $1.44 billion worldwide. Upcoming projects include a fresh adaptation of Wuthering Heights by Emerald Fennell, known for Promising Young Woman, and a live-action rendition of The Sims, the beloved video game.