Nagui has announced the removal of calves from the beloved show Intervilles, leading to significant backlash from fans and former participants. During a press conference for the show’s reboot, he emphasized his commitment to animal protection, prompting outrage that the show will lose its essence. Former DJ Philippe Corti and local officials have criticized the decision, with some cities like Bayonne refusing to participate. A petition against the change has already gained over 2,700 signatures, highlighting widespread discontent.
Nagui’s Controversial Decision on Intervilles
Nagui has declared a definitive “stop” to the calves in the much-loved show Intervilles. During the press conference for the back-to-school season, France Télévisions unveiled the show’s return, igniting excitement among millions of fans across the nation. However, the enthusiasm was short-lived when Nagui, the show’s host and producer, revealed that the calves would not be part of the reboot. This announcement sparked a wave of outrage from fans and former participants alike.
Many voices echoed the sentiment that “Intervilles without the calves is no longer Intervilles.” Sébastien Cazaubon took to social media to voice his discontent, starting an online petition that has already garnered over 2,700 signatures. He insists that the calves were integral to the show’s identity and success.
Reactions from Former Participants and Local Officials
Philippe Corti, a former DJ for Intervilles from 2005 to 2008, shared his perspective with Midi-Libre, calling the show a “popular gem.” He lamented the sanitized version being proposed, stating, “It’s like wanting to organize the swimming Olympics without water!” His comments reflect a broader sentiment that the show is losing its essence. Nagui’s commitment to animal protection and his stance against bullfighting have added fuel to the fire, with critics labeling him as overly politically correct.
The backlash is not just limited to social media. In the South-West, cities are starting to rebel against this new direction. Bayonne has recently announced it will not participate in the show’s revival. Yves Ugalde, Deputy for Culture in Bayonne, expressed his frustration, stating, “Intervilles without calves is like singing in the rain without the rain.” This sentiment was echoed by Michel Agruna, a local breeder, who declared that “Intervilles without calves won’t work, simply because it doesn’t exist.” Olivier Alleman, a former host of the show, also lamented the decision, drawing comparisons to other shows that have strayed from their core elements. Unfortunately, it appears that France Télévisions is committed to its new charter, which seeks to minimize the use of animals in production.