the Gare de l’Est in Paris closed this weekend due to major works

The building is closed from this Friday evening, from 10 p.m., with traffic transferred to several stations in the Paris region. Trains should run normally again from Monday.

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No train leaves or arrives on Saturday January 15 and Sunday January 16 from the Gare de l’Est in Paris. It is also closed from Friday January 14, from 10 p.m. DUnpublished works, prepared for four years, must be carried out under the vaulted of the building.

This work is carried out because pieces of concrete risk falling under this vault: they must therefore be removed to install protective nets. An imposing scaffolding was installed above all the tracks for the operation. “We have a map that limits all operations, indicates Gilles Gautrin, deputy director of the SNCF modernization department. It also took a lot of consultation, because we’re going to make noise, we’re going to cut off part of the traffic on the road… All of this requires long-term preparation, and our goal is to deliver on time, so that circulations can resume.

This work will be carried out in record time: barely 50 hours. They will be carried out by about fifty workers. And if the site itself is not exceptional, the consequences are extraordinary. “The vault repairs are works that we carry out on a regular basis, on the other hand, that it overlooks all of the tracks that enter the Gare de l’Est, and that forces us to cut traffic, it’s indeed an exceptional operation” which had not arrived for more than 20 years in a Parisian station, specifies Gilles Gautrin.

Because of this work, traffic from the Gare de l’Est is postponed this weekend. The TGVs are deported to the Gare du Nord. Les Ouigo depart and arrive from Marne-la-Vallée station, and the TER are redirected to the Gare de Lyon. This Monday, January 18, all trains should run normally.

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