From ghosting to digital enchantment: 3 signs you might be caught in this toxic romance trend

The article discusses the emerging trend of “digital enchantment,” a variant of ghosting, where individuals maintain a digital presence without real engagement, causing emotional confusion for the victim. It outlines three signs of this toxic behavior: liking posts without direct contact, viewing stories without interacting, and reacting to stories but not following up. The author advises recognizing this manipulation and setting boundaries to protect oneself from emotional turmoil.

The landscape of romance is constantly changing, and unfortunately, not always for the better. Following the well-known issue of ghosting, a perplexing new trend has surfaced: digital enchantment. This harmful behavior often leaves the affected individual confused and emotionally unsettled. But how can you determine if you’ve become a target? Here are three unmistakable indicators.

To start, it’s important to understand that digital enchantment is a variant of ghosting. You’re probably familiar with ghosting—when someone abruptly ceases all communication without any explanation. Research shows that a significant number of individuals have experienced this phenomenon. Picture this: you’re chatting online with someone you’re interested in, everything appears to be progressing well, and suddenly… nothing. Silence falls, and that person seems to have evaporated.

Digital enchantment: A twisted offshoot of ghosting

Ghosting often leaves the person on the receiving end filled with confusion as they try to piece together what went wrong. It’s a harsh form of rejection that feels surreal—an invisible dismissal that can heavily impact one’s self-esteem.

If you were perplexed by ghosting, digital enchantment introduces an even deeper layer of distress. Also referred to as orbiting, this phenomenon is characterized by a subtle online presence. Unlike ghosting, where all ties are severed, individuals practicing digital enchantment leave visible traces of their existence online. This behavior can stretch on for months or even years, escalating the emotional toxicity. Here are three signs to help you recognize if you’re experiencing this troubling trend.

1. She likes your posts but never reaches out

The first sign of digital enchantment is when someone disappears from your life yet continues to like your social media posts. While it might seem like a sign of interest, the reality is they avoid any direct communication. This creates a confusing dynamic where they remain digitally present but emotionally absent, leaving you with lingering doubts and false hopes. When an ex who has ghosted you continues to ‘like’ your updates, it complicates your emotions, leading you to believe there could still be a chance of reconnection.

2. She views all your stories

A further indication of digital enchantment is when this person consistently views your stories on platforms like Instagram or Facebook. Even without reaching out, their presence looms through the list of viewers. It feels as if they’re silently observing you while refusing to engage in any meaningful way. This constant observation fosters a sense of unease, as it gives the impression of continued interest without any effort to initiate a conversation, contributing to emotional instability.

3. She occasionally reacts to your stories but stays silent

Sometimes, the person may take it a step further by reacting to your stories with emojis or brief comments. However, when it comes to genuine engagement, such as replying to messages or initiating a conversation, they remain completely unresponsive. This sporadic interaction, lacking any real commitment, can tighten the emotional grip they have on you, creating an illusion of hope that keeps you in an emotional limbo. The challenge lies in deciding how to respond—part of you may wish for this fleeting interaction to signal a potential reconnection, while the other part recognizes it as mere distraction.

How to cope with digital enchantment?

If you find yourself in these situations, it’s crucial to take a step back. Digital enchantment is a subtle form of emotional manipulation. It’s important to safeguard your emotional well-being by establishing boundaries, and, if necessary, blocking the individual to regain control over your feelings. Avoid getting trapped by illusionary hopes; sometimes it’s healthier to sever ties than to remain ensnared in a toxic relationship that leads nowhere.
