Proven Strategies for Alleviating Acute Back Pain

Dr. David Kubosch, an expert in orthopaedics and trauma surgery, discusses the prevalence of back pain among adults, its various causes—including poor posture, lack of exercise, and psychological stress—and effective prevention measures. He explains when medical intervention is necessary and suggests immediate remedies for acute pain, such as optimizing workspace ergonomics and utilizing heat therapy. Emphasizing the importance of exercise and posture correction, he stresses that strengthening back muscles can help prevent chronic pain.

Experiencing back pain is a widespread issue among adults, significantly affecting daily activities and often leading to sick leave. Factors such as poor posture, improper movements, and a lack of physical activity can contribute to this discomfort. Dr. David Kubosch, an expert in orthopaedics and trauma surgery, discusses the causes of back pain and the necessary precautions to take during acute episodes.

The Common Causes of Back Pain

According to Dr. David Kubosch, back pain stems from various sources. Frequently, it arises from overexertion during heavy labor or repetitive movements, common in jobs involving assembly lines. A sedentary lifestyle, characterized by prolonged sitting in both professional and personal settings, further exacerbates the problem, leading to muscle tension and even atrophy. This inactivity causes imbalances and misalignments in the back.

Aging also plays a critical role in back discomfort. As individuals grow older, both joints and spines undergo wear and tear. The facet joints often suffer from osteoarthritis, resulting in painful friction between vertebrae when cushioning cartilage deteriorates.

Moreover, ‘functional back pain’ can be rooted in psychological stress, including performance pressure and conflicts in personal or professional life. Research indicates that back pain is one of the most prevalent psychosomatic conditions, with anxiety, depression, and overwhelming workloads frequently contributing to discomfort.

Types of Back Pain

Dr. Kubosch points out that back pain can manifest in various forms and affect different spinal regions. The lumbar spine is the most common area of concern, while the cervical spine follows closely. Issues with the thoracic spine tend to represent a smaller fraction of overall back pain cases.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If back pain persists for an extended period, it is crucial to consult a medical professional. The ‘National Care Guideline for Low Back Pain’ suggests waiting about six weeks before considering an X-ray, but this is only applicable for cases deemed as ‘non-specific back pain’, which affects roughly 80% of patients. However, warning signs such as numbness or paralysis in limbs necessitate immediate treatment from an orthopaedic specialist.

Even with mild symptoms, seeking professional guidance early is advisable, as chronic back pain can evolve from initially acute conditions, leading to long-term health issues and impaired quality of life. Chronic pain ranks among the top causes for disability and early retirement.

Recommendations for Acute Back Pain

For those with recurrent back pain, enhancing workplace ergonomics and maintaining proper posture can be beneficial. During severe episodes, it’s advisable to refrain from heavy lifting or bending. Heat therapy using red light, hot water bottles, or warming patches can soothe muscles and alleviate acute pain. Infrared treatment, particularly water-filtered infrared (wIRA), is effective too, as it minimizes the risk of skin burns.

Additionally, applying warming ointments may alleviate chronic pain and muscle tension by boosting circulation. Massage therapy is also beneficial for increasing blood flow and relaxing tense muscles, while fascia rollers may offer temporary relief, although their effectiveness lacks scientific backing.

Preventing Back Pain

Dr. Kubosch emphasizes that regular exercise is vital for prevention. Simple changes, such as opting for stairs over elevators and altering sitting positions throughout the day, can make a difference. Engaging in basic fitness exercises can combat the effects of inactivity. For example, standing with feet shoulder-width apart and swinging arms while bending knees can enhance joint lubrication and stimulate metabolism.

The focus of preventive measures should be to strengthen muscles that support the spine long-term. Physiotherapy and exercise therapy can contribute significantly, promoting mobility, coordination, and preventing pain from becoming chronic.

Interestingly, many individuals attempt to ease back strain by avoiding movement, which typically worsens tension in the muscles and ultimately increases pain levels. Maintaining an active lifestyle and engaging in targeted exercises is essential to combat tension and promote muscle strength.
