“I’m a hunter and I’m sick of seeing this”



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The horror of hunting in enclosures in certain wealthy estates in Sologne, that’s it.

Large enclosures and very high fences with a single goal: to keep as many animals as possible in order to be able to practice hunting in the enclosure. “For me, it’s not hunting, it’s live target shooting“, deplores Raymond Louis, hunter. Here, in Sologne, these properties of wealthy people are dedicated to hunting in the enclosure. The animals fed, maintained and even cared for are intended to be killed. Inside the enclosures, the touts push the game in the direction of the watchtowers.”The animals have no chance of getting out of it, they are slaughtered in there, in 15 days, in a month, they will be killed“, he berates.

Raymond Louis is himself a hunter and according to him, this hunting technique does not respect “hunting ethics“.”It’s sad, I’m sick of seeing this“, he launches. He points in particular to a “lack of respect for nature and animals“.

Today, the hunter asks for a ban on hunting on closed properties and fenced properties, as is already the case in Belgium. He wants the animals to be able to move freely. “There, it’s not hunting at all, it’s animals that are fed abundantly, that are fed, it’s not normal“, he believes.

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