In the Middle East, the Israeli army is accused of “repeatedly” and “deliberately” firing on the positions of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
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“Using force against Israelis means taking a lot of risks”estimates Sunday October 13 on franceinfo General Olivier Passot, associate researcher at the Strategic Research Institute of the Military School (IRSEM) and former liaison officer of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Five peacekeepers were injured in 48 hours, according to UNIFIL, after Israeli fire. An observation tower at the headquarters (UNIFIL) in Naqoura, in southern Lebanon, was notably targeted. The Israeli army says it fired in the direction of a “threat”.
“It is difficult to believe that this was not intentional. The UNIFIL position has been known since 1978. It is likely that Israeli soldiers deliberately targeted this observation tower”said the soldier.
The mandate of the UN peace force “very clearly allows them to defend themselves and even use force to enforce the mandate”explains Olivier Passot, but “this happens very rarely”because “usually there is a shock when they are shot. They are not able to react,” he said. “Afterwards, using force against the Israelis also means taking a lot of risks”he assures.
According to him, the Israeli army wants “have freedom of action throughout their area of operation”. UNIFIL refuses to leave its positions in southern Lebanon, because “it is important that the United Nations flag continues to fly high in this region“according to the spokesperson for the peace force. “A force that deploys in an operation needs to have the greatest freedom of action. This is a principle of war. We must avoid any blind spots in the assessment of the area. The fact of having areas beyond its control leave the possibility for combatants on the other side to take advantage of these blind spots and hide.”explains General Olivier Passot.