what are the next steps?


Video length: 1 min

Budget 2025: what are the next steps?
Budget 2025: what are the next steps?

The 2025 finance bill has not yet been adopted but it is already contested. What are the next stages of the project which provides 60 billion euros in savings?

This is the start of a 40-day race against time in the National Assembly which will soon have to decide on the government’s 2025 budget proposal. The first deadline will be held on the evening of Sunday October 13 at midnight, the deadline for tabling amendments. In addition to the modifications tabled by the opposition, the government announced that it would itself table amendments to specify certain budget cuts which Bercy estimates at 5 billion euros.

The first part of the text will be examined in the Assembly before being put to a vote on Tuesday October 29. This is where the measures linked to the tax increase, the main blocking point on the right, will be discussed. At the end of the 40 days, the deputies will have to decide for a final vote on November 19 on the entire text. In recent days, the New Popular Front and the Republicans have each proposed alternatives to those of the government. The National Rally intends to unveil a counter-budget next week and threatens a motion of censure if it is not considered.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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