Pierre Larrouturou and 11 left-wing activists end their hunger strike

They had stopped feeding since January 6.

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They were 12 to have stopped eating, with the aim of exhorting left-wing candidates for union through the People’s Primary. MEP Pierre Larrouturou (New Deal) and eleven activists ended their hunger strike on Friday January 14, which lasted seven days. This decision was made for “medical reasons”, the MEP said in a statement.

“Thanks to this strike, millions of our fellow citizens have heard our cry of alarm on the climate emergency and on the crucial issue of the gathering of leftists and environmentalists”, welcomes the collective. Among the hunger strikers were, in addition to Pierre Larrouturou, Anne Hessel, the ecologist Pierre Monnier and seven activists presenting themselves as “young people of the climate generation”.

The strike movement had been initiated on Thursday January 6 by the representative of Nouvelle Donne. But Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI), Yannick Jadot (EELV) and finally also Anne Hidalgo (PS) in turn refused to participate in the Popular Primary, a citizens’ initiative which must nominate a candidate at the end of January. Only Christiane Taubira, who should announce her presidential candidacy on Saturday in Lyon, says she agrees to play the game of this primary.

Despite the cessation of their strike, they continue to maintain that the left “can still win in 2022” and “the rally will still be possible in February, after the vote on January 30” of the popular Primary.

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