“To correct its amateurism, the government sends the most precarious to the front line”, criticizes Marine Tondelier

The national secretary of the Ecologists protests against the savings of nearly 15 billion euros made on the social aspect in the budget bill presented Thursday by the government.



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Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the Ecologist, October 11, 2024 on France Inter. (FRANCE INTER / RADIO FRANCE)

“To correct [son] amateurism”the government “sends the most precarious to the front line”criticizes Friday October 11 on France Inter Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the Ecologists, the day after the presentation by the government of the 2025 finance bill.

She thus accuses the executive of sending to the front line “retirees by postponing inflation indexation in June, the sick by increasing doctors’ co-payments and children by reducing the number of staff in schools”. Marine Tondelier thus criticizes the government and Emmanuel Macron for “prefer to continue to protect the rich and make the most precarious pay”. “That’s not social justice, that’s not environmental justice,” she laments.

“Michel Barnier owes his retention in his position as Prime Minister only to the fact of satisfying the National Rally”, the head of the Ecologists, convinced that the far-right party will “jump rope” the head of government. She believes that “the 2025 budget [présenté jeudi] is an illustration of this. She mentions in particular the fact that this finance bill for next year provides for “reduce jobs in schools, but increase them in the army and justice”.

The national secretary of the Ecologists also regrets the fact that the government is, according to her, “in the process of chipping away at all the last defenses against the environmental crisis” in its proposed budget for next year. She denounces, for example, the planing of the Green Fund “created two years ago” or the expected drop in public investment by local authorities. “For the metropolis of Lyon, 50 to 70 million euros will be taken away”, she laments. She also criticizes the drop in “ecological credits for the thermal renovation of housing”already planed “in spring with a simple stroke of a pen”. “There, they are attacking this budget again while 5.2 million French people live in thermal sieves”she adds.

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