an online platform dedicated to 8-14 year olds intends to “talk about periods without taboo”

On the occasion of International Girls’ Rights Day, this Friday, the Règles Élémentaires association is offering a completely free “menstrual education program” for young people.



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The platform "Let's Talk Rules" from the Règles Elementaires association allows young people to ask questions about menstruation. (SCREENSHOT LET’S TALK RULES)

Questions, taboos, preconceived ideas… The Règles Élémentaires association, which has set itself the mission of “to allow all people to experience their periods in good conditions and to ensure that having their periods is no longer a hindrance in their daily lives”is launching, on the occasion of International Girls’ Rights Day, Friday October 11, a free platform dedicated to young people, but also to their parents and teachers, to talk about menstruation.

The association in fact started from an observation: in 2022, nearly 60% of people questioned for the association’s barometer, carried out by OpinionWay, have not received any formal education on the rules. However, 72% of young girls have their first period before the age of 13, when the first SVT lessons addressing the issue only take place in 5th or 4th grade. Faced with this lack of knowledge, which is a stress factor for 80% of young girls, the “Parlons Règle” platform intends to target children between 8 and 14 years old in order to “talk about periods without taboo“.

Through videos, such as “I have pain when I have my period”Talking about periods as a family“or again”Are periods dirty?“, as well as documentary modules, quizzes aimed at everyone or even a chatbot to answer all questions in real time, the association, founded in 2015, wants to do so”combat the age-old taboo of periods“.

Objective of the platform: “Being the first guide to identify, anticipate situations and support young people in understanding their own body, as well as the body of others, to promote well-being and living together.”. In 9 years, the association claims to have collected and redistributed some 20 million periodical products through more than 1000 partner associations throughout France.

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