E-Prime, formed by former members of the group Doomsquad, brother and sister Trevor and Jaclyn Blumas, offers a consistent microalbum, imbued with introspection and a sweet euphoria. Released on the label Montrealer SSURROUNDSS, Dry Throats and Sunburns — a title that will leave no one unmoved — thus transports the listener into a world where memories mingle with disillusionment, where nostalgia and sonic modernity meet. The duo ventures into captivating musical territories and extends their hand to accompany them. From the opening, Ride With You particularly captures the attention with its sensual and airy atmosphere, while Big Country stands out with a more assertive energy and a nod to 1980s pop. Then there’s the awesome Flea at Woodstock ’99. The track is inspired by the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ performance at the chaotic and hot festival, from the perspective of its bassist. Pure madness. “ Dry throats, sunburns, high hopes, and broken hearts », everything is said.
To watch on video