how are companies involved?


Video length: 2 min

Budget 2025: how are businesses involved?
With the announcement of its 2025 draft budget, the government plans to involve businesses, in particular by increasing certain charges.
(France 2)

With the announcement of its 2025 draft budget, the government plans to involve businesses, in particular by increasing certain charges.

In a company in Massy (Essonne), the work of some of the employees could soon cost their boss more. The State plans four billion euros less in reduced charges for all companies. The government plans to increase companies’ charges on salaries below 1,854 euros net monthly. It plans to reduce charges on intermediate salaries to 2,567 euros per month.

The State wants to encourage employers to pay employees better, since by paying them more, they will have fewer contributions. This represents a victory for unions who remain cautious about the bosses’ desire to increase low wages. “We are going to look at this closely to avoid it being just an announcement effect”says Frédéric Souillot, secretary general of FO. For employers, increasing labor costs would destroy jobs.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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