the hope of the family of Tatiana Andujar


France 3

Article written by

J. Debraux, J. Vatapoulos, L. de Laborie, T. Dorseuil – France 3

France Televisions

Already twenty-six years since Tatiana Andujar disappeared in Perpignan, in the Eastern Pyrenees. Her mother’s fight to find her has now been revived by a new hope: the creation of a center specializing in long-term investigations.

For twenty-six years, Marie-José Garcia, mother of Tatiana Andujar, has been fighting tirelessly to find out what happened to her daughter. “What keeps me going is already the hope of knowing what has become of my daughter, why, who killed her, why, how, where is her body? And then [ce sont] my boys”, she confides to the teams of France Télévisions. On September 24, 1995, Tatiana Andujar, 17, was returning by train from a weekend spent in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). Arrival in Perpignan (Eastern Pyrenees), after a phone call from a phone booth, she got into a car to join her family. She has since disappeared. His body has never been found.

“On the legal level, we ensure that there is no prescription, so that there are regular acts performed by the investigating magistrate (…) and we have also tried to ensure that no one forget this file”, entrust meMaster Etienne Nicolau, lawyer for the families of the disappeared from Perpignan station. DNA and scientific advances often bring hope to the families of victims. For the investigators, the difficulty is to manage to make the exhibits speak. “The problem with these old cases is the preservation of the seals. (…) At the time we were not aware of that, so the seals were perhaps not kept in an adequate manner”, details Major Pascal Sperandi, head of the criminal identification cell of the Gard gendarmerie.

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