Video length: 4 min
Health: the exoskeleton to walk again
Twelve years after a motorcycle accident that left him paraplegic, Kevin Piette made history by carrying the Olympic flame while walking using an exoskeleton.
(France 2)
Twelve years after a motorcycle accident that left him paraplegic, Kevin Piette made history by carrying the Olympic flame while walking using an exoskeleton.
Paraplegic since a motorcycle accident in 2012, Kevin Piette pilots an exoskeleton for a company developing this type of robotic walking device. This helps to evolve and improve this assistive technology for people with disabilities. This device, which reproduces a gait close to that of a human, doubles the structure of his legs, thus allowing him to walk.
The 35-year-old was chosen to be one of 11,000 Olympic torchbearers. A performance that he achieved while walking using an exoskeleton, a mechanical skeleton, thus entering the history of the Games.
Watch the full report in the video above.