Many communities and several social landlords are facing unpaid rent from the gendarmerie, France Bleu revealed on Monday.
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“Each time, the adjustment variable is the municipalities”reacted Wednesday October 9 on franceinfo the president of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF) and mayor of Cannes, David Lisnard, on the subject of unpaid rent from the national gendarmerie to numerous local authorities, revealed by France Bleu.
“I find a problem and I try to fix it, and as quickly as possible”declared Tuesday the Minister of the Interior Bruno Retailleau, ensuring that “everything will be back to normal” no later than “month of December”. “The reaction of the Minister of the Interior was very good, very healthy, Bruno Retailleau was very clear”Judge David Lisnard.
“The gendarmerie found itself short of cash for two main reasons”explained Bruno Retailleau on Tuesday: “The security measures which cost a lot of money for the Olympic Games and the restoration of republican order in New Caledonia.” “We haven’t discovered the Olympics”retorts the boss of the AMF, nevertheless admitting the potential impact of the crisis in New Caledonia on the balance of finances of the Ministry of the Interior.