Is your health pass likely to be deactivated on Saturday?

January 15 is the deadline set by the government for the first deactivation of the health pass due to lack of a booster dose. Franceinfo guides you to find out if you are concerned.

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It’s a deadline. From Saturday January 15, the government will begin to deactivate the health passes of people who have not taken their booster dose on time. The latter will thus lose access to all the activities governed by the precious sesame.

Are you affected by this deactivation? Franceinfo reminds you of the rules and deadlines to follow to stay in the nails. If you have already received your three doses of vaccine, you do not need to read on.

If you are not yet eligible for the booster dose

Your health pass remains valid.

If you have received two doses of vaccine

You must do your booster no later than seven months after your second injection. “Thus, a 30-year-old person who had their last dose of vaccine before June 15, 2021 must have done their booster on January 15, 2022 to obtain a new valid vaccination certificate”, explains the Directorate General of Health.

If you contracted Covid-19 and then received a single dose

You must take your booster dose no later than seven months after the injection.

If you received a dose of vaccine and then caught Covid-19 more than 15 days later

You must do your booster dose no later than six months later. This corresponds to the duration of the reinstatement certificate.

If you caught Covid-19 after your two doses of vaccine

You have a certificate of recovery which extends your health pass for six months from the date of your positive test.

If you had Covid-19 and then received a dose of Janssen

You must do your booster no later than two months after the injection.

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