Ile-de-France residents not always well informed about the news concerning the health pass on January 15

From this Saturday, January 15, the rules in force concerning the health pass change. If your last anti-covid vaccine reminder is more than 7 months old, then your health pass will be deactivated. If your last dose is before June 15, and you haven’t done your reminder, then your health pass is no longer valid.

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The only exception is if you have been contaminated in the meantime by the coronavirus, and that you are cured. In this case, your health pass remains valid for 6 months from the day of your infection. For example, if you fell ill on December 14, you have until June 14 to make your reminder, and your pass is not deactivated.

These constantly changing rules are not always easy to follow and disconcert some inhabitants of Île-de-France. “I was totally unaware of the change, I have a little trouble keeping up with all these dates, it changes all the time“, starts Chloe.

Changes that are sometimes rather vague

Rayan wonders if his health pass will still be valid after January 15. “I was not aware that the health pass was changing. I am on one dose of the vaccine because I contracted the coronavirus in May 2021. My last dose was in October”, explains this young Parisian. Rayan therefore still has a few weeks ahead of him before having to do his booster dose, otherwise his health pass will be deactivated.

Caroline has less time, her last dose dates back to June 29. “So I have two weeks left, I’m quite surprised, it’s not very good news for me“, begins the young woman who was unaware of the planned change in the terms of the health pass.

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