Case management: child care workers more at risk, union says

The Federation of Health and Social Services (FSSS-CSN) deplores the new case management instructions in CPEs and home childcare services.

The new government directives related to case management put childcare staff at risk by keeping groups open after the detection of a case of COVID-19, mentioned the FSSS-CSN in a press release.

In the current situation, where the personnel of these environments do not have optimal protection, this decision is worrying, considers the union. Thus, the FSSS-CSN is asking that the government provide N95 masks and rapid tests to the staff of CPEs and home childcare services. In addition, she believes that all staff who have contracted COVID-19 should be automatically covered by the CNESST and that the number of days in the COVID bank should be increased for home childcare providers.

“These constant changes in the instructions end up losing everyone. What is needed now is not to relax the instructions, but to better protect workers, children and their families. What the government must do is make N95 masks available in CPEs and family settings,” explained Lucie Longchamps, vice-president of the FSSS-CSN.

Meeting with the CNESST requested

The FSSS-CSN also asks that the CNESST urgently convene all the players in the field so that clear directives that comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act be issued quickly.

“There is no compromise to be made with the health and safety of staff in child care. The CNESST has an important role to play, as we prepare to increase the risks in these environments,” concluded Judith Huot, vice-president of the FSSS-CSN.


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