Presidential: what programs for the school?



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While the election will take place in less than three months, some candidates have already presented their ideas on the reforms they want to see even applied to schools. This is the case of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Valérie Pécresse Anne Hidalgo or Eric Zemmour. Marine Le Pen, Yannick Jadot and Emmanuel Macron have not yet spoken.

If the case of the school is much talked about in the news, many are wondering about the measures of the candidates for the next presidential election. On the 23h set of Franceinfo, Christophe Gascard, political specialist, takes stock. “All the candidates have not yet given their program, nevertheless all agree that more human and financial resources must be given to the school”, he explains.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon provides free school canteens, the recruitment of teachers and 8,000 additional CPEs, as well as a reform of college, high school and the baccalaureate. “Anne Hidalgo had proposed a double salary for teachers, but this measure was revised downwards. This morning she presented her program to the press”, emphasizes Christophe Gascard again.

On the right, the candidates defend the values ​​of a republican school. “Valérie Pécresse offers an entrance exam in 6th with refresher classes and reinforce the autonomy of the establishments. For Eric Zemmour, it is the return of the blouse to school, Latin and Greek in 6th and the end of what he calls lobbies “, specifies Christophe Gascard. Marine Le Pen has not revealed anything yet, just like Yannick Jadot and Emmanuel Macron, not yet officially a candidate.

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