elected officials warn of unpaid rent by the national gendarmerie

“The gendarmerie owes us 236,388 euros in late rent,” assures France Bleu Roussillon Edith Pugnet, mayor of Cabestany, in the Pyrénées-Orientales. Many other mayors say they are in the same kind of situation.

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franceinfo – with France Bleu Roussillon

Radio France


Reading time: 1 min

A sign from the national gendarmerie, September 25, 2024 in Montbéliard (France-Comté). Illustrative image. (LIONEL VADAM / MAXPPP)

Many elected officials from the Pyrénées-Orientales alerted on Monday October 7, in an investigation by France Bleu Roussillon, about numerous unpaid bills on the part of the national gendarmerie, in particular rents owed to municipalities.

According to this investigation by France Bleu Roussillon, the national gendarmerie is no longer able to pay the rent for its premises or its official accommodation. A situation which does not only concern the Pyrénées-Orientales, confirms a source within the national gendarmerie to France Bleu. “The gendarmerie owes us 236,388 euros in late rent”, for example, assures Edith Pugnet, mayor of Cabestany, a town near Perpignan which hosts a brigade in municipal premises.

Contacted by France Bleu Roussillon, many mayors of the Pyrénées-Orientales evoke a situation “unacceptable”, “ubuesque” And “disastrous in terms of image: where is the State’s duty to set an example?” The president of the Pyrénées-Orientales mayors’ associations, Edmond Jorda, says he has been “alerted by several concerned colleagues.” “These municipalities have gone into debt to be able to build the gendarmerie premises and the rents allow them to pay the loan annuities. If the State does not pay what it owes, they find themselves in serious difficulty”he continues. According to Edmond Jorda, the Association of Mayors of France (AMF) is observing similar increases throughout France.

Senator LR of Pyrénées-Orientales, Lauriane Josende, for her part, contacted the Ministry of the Interior on this issue. The elected official assures that it was indicated to her “that the gendarmerie was no longer able to pay its rents throughout the territory”. She also explains that the ministry explained to her that an amending finance law is being prepared to resolve the situation.

Contacted by France Bleu Roussillon, the Ministry of the Interior has so far not responded to the various questions asked.

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