Marine Le Pen launches “a permanent campaign”



Video length: 2 min

National rally: Marine Le Pen launches “a permanent campaign”
National rally: Marine Le Pen launches “a permanent campaign”

Targeted by a trial by the European Parliament, Marine Le Pen and the RN intend to stay the course until the next presidential elections, despite the still present bitterness of the results of the last legislative elections.

“Until victory”, this is the new slogan of the National Rally. Marine Le Pen launches, in her words, “a permanent campaign”three months after early legislative elections with bitter results. “It is indeed this same single party which ruined the country, which came together to prevent the RN from governing the country. The Republican front is only a bankrupt union”she said. If the National Rally took the decision not to automatically censure the Barnier government, the leader of the group in the National Assembly attacked the new executive: “The security of the French is, so to speak, on alternating guard duty. In week A, it is entrusted to Mr. Retailleau, in whom we have found an ardent defender of our sovereign program. (…) In week B, change of atmosphere , our security is entrusted to the quintessence of candid leftism in the person of Mr. Migaud”.

In the middle of the trial of parliamentary assistants in which the RN is accused of having embezzled European funds, party executives want to show their confidence, despite the risk of seeing Marine Le Pen declared ineligible. “We are very calm. The legal calendar of a procedure which is 10 years old and which is brought against us by the European Parliament will not prevent us from playing politics and talking about the daily lives of the French”underlined Jordan Bardella. This political return must serve as a new start to remobilize the troops, with a view to potential future legislative elections, envisaged from 2025 by Marine Le Pen.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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