in Nice, Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella now in “permanent campaign”

The National Rally launched its “permanent campaign” on Sunday in Nice intended to prepare for the next legislative elections, which Marine Le Pen predicts next year. From the platform, she once again castigated what she calls the “single party”.


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Marine Le Pen at the podium in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) on October 6, 2024 (XAVIER DUVOT / HANS LUCAS)

In front of some 5,000 people (according to the RN) gathered on Sunday October 6 in Nice, Marine Le Pen then Jordan Bardella filed an appeal. From Jean-Luc Mélenchon to Laurent Wauquiez via Emmanuel Macron, other leaders and political movements are all responsible, according to the boss of RN deputies, for the decline of France: “They ruined France and they lied to the French. The financial incompetence of the ‘Mozart of finance’ stands out before everyone. It is indeed this same single party which ruined the country and which gathered to prevent the National Rally from governing the country !”

Marine Le Pen is offensive, but she does not utter the word “censorship” once: she rather calls on her activists to be patient while waiting for “alternation”.

“We are not a party of protest, of dissent, not a party of social and fiscal brutalization. We will happily leave that to Jean-Luc Mélenchon.”

Marine Le Pen

during his speech in Nice

Jordan Bardella, who succeeds him on stage, distills the same message. The National Rally even intends, it promises, to obtain progress from the Barnier government: “We have a duty to be useful to the French, because yes, we are now essential and nothing can be done without you or against you. In the time that separates us from a possible new election, our role is to ‘obtain the maximum of what we can obtain for the French and for the general interest.’

Isabelle and Sébastien, both from Nice, attend an RN meeting for the first time. Isabelle finds “that they do things very well. Not to censor each time for the sake of censoring, but to position ourselves as we should if we do not agree, to position ourselves with our ideas. We are already well into the chaos at the moment, so they are right to say that we must not add to the chaos. We must still be reasonable in our ideas and try to rally all French people, whatever side we are on.”

“The national gathering becomes like a party like any other, whatever people say, adds Sébastien. It’s Republican.” This couple from Nice even calls on the elected representatives of the National Rally to join the government. For the moment, Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella have always refused, due to lack of an absolute majority.

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