At 22, Martin Rocca is the youngest candidate for the presidential election of 2022. I met him in Binic, in Côtes-d’Armor, in Brittany, where he stopped at the wheel of his caravan. For two months, this young Parisian will travel around France to talk about his project and try to collect the 500 sponsorships necessary for his candidacy to be official. For now, he would have a “thirty promises“, according to him.
Martin has no program or party. His objective is obviously not to become President of the Republic, he explains, but rather to defend an idea in the presidential election.
The objective is to be present in the first round to defend a message, that of the renewal of democracy.
Martin, 22 years oldat franceinfo
“We defend a tool which is the constituent assembly, an assembly of 200-300 people which will lead to the proposal of a new constitution“, explains Martin. The idea of convening a constituent assembly is already defended by Jean-Luc Mélenchon but Martin confides moreover to believe in the political parties.It is absolutely necessary that this constituent assembly be disconnected from any partisan political program which is necessarily divisive.“.
Like many people of my generation, I don’t believe in the ability of political parties to change things.
Martin, 22 years oldat franceinfo
Martin stands as a candidate, without a program, and defends him. “The programs, people no longer believe in them. What’s more with my age. If I start defending a government program, who will believe me?
At 22, Martin says he did not vote in the last municipal and regional elections. “I did not vote, like more than 80% of my generation. I’m not very proud of it but I honestly wasn’t convinced by the projects proposed during these elections“.
If Martin fails to garner the necessary 500 endorsements that would allow him to vote for himself in the first round, he will abstain. “I will not vote in the first round of the 2022 presidential election for a candidate who presents a program, whatever it is“.