is the Prime Minister backtracking on the postponement of retirement pension increases?



Video length: 1 min

Budget 2025: is the Prime Ministry backtracking on the postponement of retirement pension increases?
Will retirees have to wait until next summer to see their pension increased? This is the option that Michel Barnier chose to achieve four billion euros in savings. Several voices opposed this possible measure, starting with Marine Le Pen.
(France 2)

Will retirees have to wait until next summer to see their pension increased? This is the option that Michel Barnier chose to achieve four billion euros in savings. Several voices opposed this possible measure, starting with Marine Le Pen.

When retirees question Michel Barnier about the freezing of pensions, the Prime Minister comforts them. He claims to be considering a step backwards and invites MPs to find solutions: “If there are new ideas or other ideas to find other ways, I remain open yes”declares Michel Barnier at the Livestock Show in Puy-de-Dôme (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) Friday October 4. The head of government had, however, announced a postponement of the revaluation of retirement pensions for six months. A freeze which would have postponed the revaluation from January to July and which would have saved more than four billion euros in the budget, according to the government.

Saturday October 5, the National Rally welcomed this opening from the Prime Minister. On the left, to find money, former MP Raquel Garrido invites the Prime Minister to take inspiration from the New Popular Front (NFP). The finance bill, which provides for 60 billion euros in savings and tax revenue, must be presented on Thursday October 10 to the Council of Ministers.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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