Carole Delga was a guest on “8h30 franceinfo” on Friday.
Reading time: 2 min

“We cannot stigmatize civil servants”, reacts Carole Delga, socialist president of the Occitanie region, on franceinfo Friday October 4, after the Prime Minister’s announcement Thursday evening that not all civil servants could be replaced. “Wanting to present civil servants as the source of evil is not true,” adds the socialist. “We are always open to reform, but he is the archetype of the right-wing man. We are starting to attack civil servants,” adds Carole Delga, recalling that “public services in France are what allow the Republic to stand up.”
As for Michel Barnier’s proposal to merge certain public services to generate savings, the socialist is not opposed in principle and even puts forward avenues for reflection. “Michel Barnier should tackle the duplicates”indicates Carole Delga, pointing out for example the economic competence between Bercy and the communities. She also invites us to put back “flatten the financing system” transport, by attacking motorway concessions to redistribute to rail.
More generally, the president of the Occitanie region asks “a more decentralized France” with “more means” for communities ready to “adapt” she said. But “to say that communities manage poorly is false!” protests Carole Delga while the Court of Auditors proposes to eliminate 100,000 territorial civil servants to save 4 billion euros per year. A subject which will be discussed this Friday morning between her and the Minister of Partnership with the Territories and Decentralization, Catherine Vautrin.
On the question of taxes, the socialist president of the Occitanie region “validates the principle of having fairer taxation” as the right-wing Prime Minister proposes in the face of a “extremely worrying situation”. “The principle responds to what we asked for, to have a fairer tax”, adds the socialist. “It is essential to have taxation of super profits, and of the richest”, believes Carole Delga, who nevertheless expects “simulation details”. The elected official on the left asks “more tax justice” And “more recipes” after “years of macronism which saw the debt slip away”. According to calculations by the Barnier government, 2 billion euros in taxes will be collected from the richest, and 8 billion euros for the 300 companies with the highest turnover.
This fragmentary support from this figure of the left will not prevent censorship of the budget. “We must censor”Michel Barnier next week, “because we must censor the decision of the President of the Republic not to respect the vote of the French” calls on the socialist who criticizes the President for “not having put a left-wing figure in government”. But with 193 New Popular Front deputies, 96 votes are missing for the government to be censored.